X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem - Resolved by reinstall.

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Dani Mcfly
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X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem - Resolved by reinstall.

Post by Dani Mcfly » Sat, 21. Nov 20, 16:26

Hi! I just got the game a few weeks ago and I'm enjoying it, everything is smooth after 40h of gameplay with M+K, then I bought a Thrustmaster T Flight X joystick and now the game is giving me a problem that I didn't have before, which is that the Albion Skunk doesn't Full Stop. After Boosting or just Accelerating and then pressing the Stop Engine Key it turns off the engines and boost but it keeps on going, there are not Brakes, I didn't have this problem with M+K. I tried removing the joystick and it also does this now with only M+K. I checked all the menus but i'm not finding the problem, Flight Assist off and on doesn't do anything. I will link a video of the issue, I hope thats some option which i'm not finding because this game is amazing. It's like the Handbrake is gone, before I used to go full boost to a station and press the Stop Engine key and it stops, now it doesn't, I have to counter boost and it's just unplayable. I will link a video, thanks in advance.


Alan Phipps
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Re: X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem

Post by Alan Phipps » Sat, 21. Nov 20, 16:44

Have you checked the keybindings (stick, mouse & keyboard) in your current controls profile in case plugging in your stick loaded a game profile that changed things from what you were used to?
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Dani Mcfly
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Re: X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem

Post by Dani Mcfly » Sat, 21. Nov 20, 16:49

Yeah, I only have 1 profile, when I started, I tried different setting and keys, removed the Joystick but it was the same with the mouse. The thing is when pressing the Engine Stop key you can hear it stop, but i'm still drifting away. When I started with M+K it was braking perfectly, if you want I can record another vid of the setting in the menu so you can have a look. I recorded settings below, thanks


Alan Phipps
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Re: X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem

Post by Alan Phipps » Sat, 21. Nov 20, 16:57

If you have tried different control settings then you would probably have more than one profile. Try setting all profiles, controls and game settings back to default if you don't mind having to set your preferences up again. That should eliminate any introduced binding problems.

The actual original problem (not the controls bindings) sounds like either a stuck button/throttle on your stick, or poor calibration/deadzones. (It might even be another control device or USB device causing that issue.)

Question - it has been a while since I played XR - isn't there an auto-braking option in game settings?
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Dani Mcfly
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Re: X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem

Post by Dani Mcfly » Sat, 21. Nov 20, 17:19

Just tried reseting all controls but there are different profiles like Controller, Logitech X52 and something like that, the one I use is Custom which detected my joystick, also tried using another USB for the joystick and the problem is still there. I can't find any Auto Brake option, just Stop Engines key which is bind to R key on the Keyboard or to the Joystick but in the Hud you can see the throttle stops when activated and there is a sound but it still keeps on moving, it still moves forwards even if I decelerate to go backwards. It's very strange, I bought Elite Dangerous and it works without any problems with the Joystick. I also just tried to start a New Game and it's the same. :(

Alan Phipps
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Re: X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem

Post by Alan Phipps » Sat, 21. Nov 20, 17:37

Understood but you can see why I would think that the stick has introduced a new profile. "I bought a Thrustmaster T Flight X joystick and now the game is giving me a problem that I didn't have before ... I tried removing the joystick and it also does this now with only M+K."

What happens if you remove the stick and then select the default profile - or make one by selecting 'return to default' for the bindings? Does M&K work OK then?

Be aware that it is possible that loading a save *might* load the profile used when you saved (I don't know if this is true but just in case ..), so please experiment with the profile from a fresh gamestart.

Just a thought, but I vaguely remember somebody having control issues when they set up their analogue stick to input as a digital control in-game, or maybe vice versa. Something else that might be worth a check.
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Dani Mcfly
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Re: X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem

Post by Dani Mcfly » Sat, 21. Nov 20, 18:06

Just Deleted the config.xml, inputmap.xml and inputmap_1.xml from, Unplugged the Joystick, Started a New Game, checked the controls than they are still the same and the problem is still there :(
I unselected the Joystick and it just doesn't work anymore ingame but M+K still has the same issue. I don't understand what the problem is, Engine Stop key is triggered and the ship should just stop but it keeps moving. I thought that maybe an Issue with mods but they were working before I got the Joystick. This is very strange because the Joystick works fine, it responds but it's just the ship not stopping, I'm controlling the throttle/boost with keyboard. You saw the video, flying and the key bindings, there is nothing wrong. Even with the Joystick unplugged it still does this, can it be some internal game data or coding? Other games work flawless. I even found this in the Wiki and it didn't do anything.

Resetting the configuration manually

In cases where you cannot start the game at all anymore or you want to reset all settings (including the ones not being reset as part of the in-game restore), you can manually trigger the reset as follows.

Make sure X Rebirth is NOT running.
Open the Windows Explorer and enter "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Egosoft\X Rebirth" (without the quotes).
You should end up in the X Rebirth user folder here. If you are running the game via Steam, you'd see a subfolder consisting of only numbers (which is your SteamID). In this case, switch into this folder (for example this might result in: C:\Users\[WindowsUserName]\Documents\Egosoft\X Rebirth\[SteamID]).
Inside the folder you'd find a config.xml file. Make a backup of the file (in case you need to restore it at some later pointer) and then remove the file.
Start X Rebirth.

The game will then recreate the config file using the current defaults.

Alan Phipps
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Re: X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem

Post by Alan Phipps » Sat, 21. Nov 20, 21:25

I'm trying to get expert help for you. There may be a wait as this is the weekend.

".. I thought that maybe an Issue with mods .." Hmm, that's the first time you mentioned them. Are there any that affect flight or change handling characteristics, especially anything to do with Newtonian flight?
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Dani Mcfly
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Re: X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem

Post by Dani Mcfly » Sat, 21. Nov 20, 23:41

Thanks mate, this game is awesome and I want to continue playing it. The mods I use are QoL mods to make things going smoother but nothing affecting physics,
I was hoping for some solution but I might aswell just delete everything and start from 0, erase all my saves because they are played with mods so I will try that out.
The thing is that everything was working well with M+K. I`m going to uninstall everything and restart, without mods. I will let you know if it's fixed. Thanks

Dani Mcfly
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Re: X Rebirth NO FULL STOP Problem

Post by Dani Mcfly » Sun, 22. Nov 20, 01:12

It works like a charm after fresh instalation, Joystick is responsive and the Issue was solved. Something might have bugged out the controls, i've remapped everything like before and now it works. Thanks anyway :)

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