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Help Picking Out My First M6 [AP]

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 05:49
by Id13
Not sure what to get. I want to get something not more than $15 Milllion. I'm looking at Split Dragon/Heavy Dragon, Skiron and Heavy Nemesis. Could someone help me choose and suggest a load out? Big investment for me at the time.


Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 06:30
by peppy tails
i bought the skiron and used it to go about doing the terran plotline. which of course will net you "the best" (imo) m6. if u dont know what it is let it surprise you ^_^

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 06:49
by Id13
I was aiming toward the Skiron. Not sure what to equip it with. Thinking PACs for turrets--not sure about the forward battery - HEPTs or CIGs maybe?

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 06:53
by Sylthos
Why buy? :pirat:

In all seriousness, if I had to buy I'd go with the Skiron. You can get one from OTAS in Legend's Home.

I'd use CIGs up front and either PRGs or EBCs (which I prefer) everywhere else

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 07:06
by peppy tails
true enough @above post, but if you dont have the marines trained up yet (takes a long time) the skiron is still an excellent early choice and is worth the money. i loaded the turrets with pac for energy saving and the front with 6 hept and two ion disruptor (to capture fighters, which i capped a LOT of using this method). i had the 6 hept on weapon group 1 and the ID on weapon group two. alternatively a full loadout of hept still works wonders up until you get that m6 from terran missions i mentioned earlier ^^

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 08:53
by Lelouch
I avoid ships that don't have a decent cargo hold, because I like to jump around a bit before having to fetch new energy cells. So Heavy Nemesis, Nemesis, Heavy Dragon is right out.

That said: The Skiron is a fine choice. It is somewhat lacking in the rudder department, but it will do as a starter.

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 10:25
by Neeros
Dragon with plasma burst generators up front.

Fast and absolutely deadly at close range.

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 11:07
by Rhox
Neeros wrote:Dragon with plasma burst generators up front.

Fast and absolutely deadly at close range.
But you can have that with any M3 and PBGs as well.

best regards,

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 13:10
by pjknibbs
Use PRG in the Skiron's turrets, they're better than PAC. However, the Skiron is probably one of the least manoeuvrable M6s in the game, so be prepared for that--you won't be dogfighting in one!

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 13:25
by saco3
I personally use the Terran springblossom as my M6, the ship is faster than most fighters and the ones that can catch up to it can barely make a dent. Also using (P)SSC for my main gunes take care of most ships up to the Q quite fast while fitting the turrets with (E)EMPC for missile defense.

Posted: Thu, 31. May 12, 20:25
by Id13
pjknibbs wrote:Use PRG in the Skiron's turrets, they're better than PAC. However, the Skiron is probably one of the least manoeuvrable M6s in the game, so be prepared for that--you won't be dogfighting in one!
What would be a better option for dogfighting?

Are the CIGs a good option at all for a skiron?

Also, now that I think about it, I would be willing to buy any of the more expensive m6s.