[Index] Tutorials & Resources

The place to discuss scripting and game modifications for X³: Farnham's Legacy

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[Index] Tutorials & Resources

Post by Cycrow » Sat, 10. Apr 21, 15:20

X3: Farnham's Legacy Changes

X3FL-Wiki Page with the changes

The Script Editor

The script editor in X3FL works in the same way as previous games (X3TC & X3AP) however a large number of new commands and new features have been added. It is activated in the same way that the previous X3 ones are.


The script editor aka "Manual Ship Computer Interface" (M.S.C.I.) is an in-game tool to create/modify AI behaviour rules and also allows creating/modifying objects in the game universe.
These features mean it is very powerful and when not used carefully can seriously damage or spoil your game universe.

Please note that this tool is provided for your use as is. Script writing and accompanied problems are NOT supported by Egosoft or any testers/volunteers.
  1. Enter the menu to change your pilot's name
  2. Type Thereshallbewings (note the capital T) and press enter
  3. The menu will close, your player name will NOT have been changed, and a confirmation beep will sound on correct activation
  4. You will now find the "Script Editor" menu item in the command console (shift+c)

Troubleshooting if you can't open the SE
  • Have you changed your pilot name, not your ship name
  • Make sure you are not docked
  • Have you used a capital T

Note that the publication of the Script Editor access code by no means forces you to use it. The editor is an advanced and most importantly optional feature.
If you are not into script programming of any sort you are advised not to try to alter any scripts without first accepting you may fubar your game.

IMPORTANT: Once opened the script editor can not be closed in your save game. A new start will be required

For generic question regarding MD and SE use the [Discussion] Generic X3FL S&M Questions topic.

The Galaxy Editor

The Galaxy Editor is an in game tool that allows you to create your own maps or adjust existing ones. It has undergone significant development since X2, and is much more powerful than before.

There is no documentation for this feature, and use remains unsupported by Egosoft.

If you are certain that you want to use this feature you may activate the galaxy editor the following way in your game:
  1. Enter the menu to change your pilot's name
  2. Type Makeanapplepiefromscratch (note the capital M) and press enter
  3. The menu will close, your player name will NOT have been changed, and a confirmation beep will sound on correct activation
  4. You will now find the "Galaxy Editor" menu item in the 'NEW GAME' section of the opening menu of the game
Note that the publication of the Galaxy Editor access code by no means forces you to use it. The editor is an advanced and most importantly optional feature.

For question related to map editing use the [Discussion] Generic Galaxy Editing Questions topic.

Tutorials And Help Files

The first thing that needs to be said about scripting and modding for X3FL is that it is, for the most part, generally composed of the same basic procedures as it was for X3TC/AP.

Therefore, much of the information for scripting and modding X3FL is already contained in the Scripting / Modding Tutorials Thread for X3 and Tutorials & Resources X3TC/AP. Many of the threads contained in this sticky will assume that you already have a basic fundamental understanding of how to script for the X games. This basic knowledge can be obtained by reading many of the tutorials that were written in the past for X2 and X3.

The rest of this sticky will be full of threads that will provide specific information on how to script / mod for X3FL.

A few general notes:
Every link in this tutorial list will be to a thread on the Egosoft board. If there's a good external resource, I'll link to a thread here, on the Egosoft site, which links to the external resource. This way, the issue of broken links can be dealt with by whoever is referring / maintaining the external resource. Post all dead link questions to the thread in question, I won't be able to deal with them here. Fair enough?
If you have a link/thread to some useful info that you'd like to see on this page, feel free to pm me or post it to this thread (along with what general category you think it falls under). I'll try to keep this first post organized and up to date so that people don't have to wade through 20 pages to find the link they want.


Tutorial Opening The Script Editor
Tutorial about installing scripts and mods


Default install directory location for Steam users

Code: Select all

c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\x3 terran conflict (default)

Scripts in c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\x3 terran conflict\addon2\scripts

Text files in c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\x3 terran conflict\addon2\t

Mods .cat and .dat files go into Steam\SteamApps\common\x3 terran conflict\addon2\mods

Tools Guides to be added..


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