Thrustmaster POS FYI

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Thrustmaster POS FYI

Post by blackbow » Mon, 17. May 21, 21:26

just an FYI for anybody with a Thrustmaster -

I got mine because MechWarrior 5 said it was one of the models they were compatible with. Fine, great, worked okay

....until I'm playing Elite Dangerous and suddenly the damn thing just starts rolling (z axis) for no reason.

Come to find out the GD thing is a POS because it's some sort of mechanical sensor that registers Z axis movement and it breaks pretty easily.

So contacted Thrustmaster who I will admit decided reasonably quickly that the stick was ****** and sent me a replacement
...which did the same thing 3 weeks later.

So hell no I'm not buying another POS with a known bug from these arses. Took me a little doing but they refunded me the $ for the stick (not the throttle, just the stick, which seems fair since there aren't any issues with the throttle)

And now I'm waiting on a Logitech on backorder. ...but the Logitech hasn't had ANY negative reviews at all so I'm hopeful. It's being sent from a company that sells stuff for flight training so I assume they've done their due diligence and realized that the Logitech isn't a POS.

All of which just makes me miss my Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2

...till I pulled it out of its box. Lemme tell ya, it was like dusting off the Galactica. Heavenly music in the background and all.

Cheers all

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