[SCRIPT] Satalite Early Warning Network V1.20 : Updated 09/03/2007

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Post by spoidz » Sun, 30. Mar 08, 07:24


Sorry for causing you more work,

Yes I didn't paste all, just wanted to show you what I cloned. It was the endsub locations I couldn't figure, one for each or one single after the last sub.

I didn't figure the distance until I found an example to know it was in meters. I'll set it back to $range or bump it up if it can't see the stations/bases.

For Pogi, yes that would work but then you have to remember to keep running it and it won't find Xenon. SEWN looked easier for me to understand/clone and it will be an automated system with recurring prompts.


So basically I should have:

gosub sendwarning

gosub sendwarningxenon

gosub sendwarningpirates




return null


As far as the Ship Array=$stations ....... entire line

Do I even have to use it if the "find" has already run against class and race?? All I care is if it sees a Xenon station or a Pirate Base. Will those two new find blocks simply run as long as plugin.sewn.running is active on a SAT? Without having to check it against validship?

Sorry, it will take some more learning before I can "read" validship to understand how to edit/clone it properly. I'm really trying to do as much of this by learning before I bug you guys.

Feel free to hit me in the head with the noob stick.

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Post by Cycrow » Sun, 30. Mar 08, 09:27

the validship is to check ship types againsts the filter settings, and wont be needed. you just need to check that the station array has stations in

Code: Select all

skip if not $stations
  gosub ...

as for the end/endsub. You only need end for an if block or a while block.

end is used to "end" that block you opened previously.

endsub is to end the sub call and return it

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Post by Buck_Rogers » Thu, 1. May 08, 12:48

Hi Cycrow. Sorry to bug you (Again!) :D

Just a question:

I have placed an Advance Sat. in Paranid Prime and have signed the SEWN contract on the BBS. However it has since been destroyed by some mauruding Kha'ak! :evil:

How long does i take for the contract peeps to replace it? I lost the sat. when I left the game running overnight (WITHOUT SETA) and there has been no replacement done, so far.

I have also checked the maintenance contracts screen just to make sure I had one for Paranid Prime. Which I do.
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Post by jumbled » Tue, 22. Jul 08, 12:05

I have just come up on a most curious problem, and wanted to share my findings with you.

I want the replacement service in every sector where I put a sat (well, almost every sector...those that I use for trade and need to keep tabs on, which is just about every sector except for Khaak, Xenon and unknown sectors). So I've been systematically moving from one sector to another and visiting every station, multiple times, until that blasted BBS message eventually pops up offering me the contract.

So far, so good, I have a couple sections of the galaxy covered, but still a long way to go.

However, my problem now is if I visit a sector and hit the hotkey to check if the contract is active in that area, I get the message with the listing of sectors and only part of the question at the bottom on whether or not to keep the service in my current sector. The clickable buttons don't show up, only an 'ok' button.

After studying the script, and scratching my head several times, I finally figured out what happened, but only thanks to a recent experience from another script I've been writing where I had a similar "problem" come up.

I have so many sectors covered now that the list is too long for the data space in the message variable to hold it, so the bottom portion of the string (the part holding the question prompt) is getting cut off. And therefore I don't see the "do you want to keep it" buttons for 'yes' or 'no'.

Not that it matters, so long as I get coverage, I'm not cancelling anything, but I thought I'd let you know in case it hasn't happened to you yet.

I don't know how many people try to cover the whole galaxy with replacement services, but I, for one, am thoroughly tired of losing sats in all odd places around the galaxy and having to send out ships to replace them manually.

If it was only a handful of specific sectors that suffered, I could set it up in only those areas and leave it be, but it isn't, and I get messages of losing sats in MANY places, some of which are far from "danger zones" and shouldn't otherwise be an issue of concern, all because of random attacks by Khaak, Xenon or pirates who pop in for no other reason than they have nothing better to do but cause trouble.

A "global" service would be much preferred, for this point, first to give me total coverage, all at once, without having to visit every sector and waiting forever for the BBS to show the contract (which will take forever), and also to counter this new problem of variable storage space and a flunky output message.

If such a service were offered, though, I think it should also take into account (as it's setting up the parameters) any existing sector services already in effect, and merge them into the global service contract (whatever method you use to "define" such a contract, since right now you're using a myriad of global variables, one for each sector, to declare "coverage" in that area).

Maybe, instead of a zillion global variables with sector names on them, you could assign a single 2-dimensional array, to mimic the (x,y) coords of sectors in the galaxy, and assign values into elements to declare coverage and fees?

As far as the sector summary listing goes, the only thing I can suggest is a solution like what I had to settle with for my own little project, and that is to break it up into multiple messages of 'x' number of sectors per message. I also formatted the output into columns to be more compact.

I don't know what X3 thinks about it, but I am just a bit concerned over so many scripts assigning so many global variables, that it might, after a while, clutter things up so badly that X3 can't "think" any more. It already takes half an hour for my game to load... :(

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 22. Jul 08, 12:29

a global service was something i had planned at some point.

however you problem is to do with the number of lines rather than the actual data size.

you see, incomming messages have a maximum size of 100 lines.

there would be several solutions, including spliting large number of sectors to seperate messages or putting mulitple sectors on the same lines.

for global varibles, they do use memory space, and will also increase the size of your saved game.

but as long as the scripts use them sensibly then its not usually a problem.

its local varibles that are more likly to effect things, as this could be on 1000's of objects.

updates to this script will most likly come in X3TC. When it comes out, i will adapt it to work and improve on it

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Post by jumbled » Tue, 22. Jul 08, 20:11

Ok, thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it.

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Post by Tritous » Sat, 26. Jul 08, 15:07

Would it be possible to make an adaptation such that any satelites placed in a sector automatically join the network. I personally like the old satallite deployment script with it's box of 8 satallites, it's rare i have to plug extras in to increase the viewing range (only on misshaped sectors) but don't like having to add them all manually.
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Post by Andr3as » Sat, 26. Jul 08, 18:30

Hi guys,

i have the following Problem: My advanced satellite in Ore Belt is destroyed and the satellite would not be replaced by the script. I was waiting about 2 hours and no ship started to replace the destroyed satellite. I made two tests, first i placed a satellite in the middle of the sector and then i signed the replacement contract. The secound way i signed the contract and then i placed a satellite. In both cases the destroyed satellite will not be replaced.
Can someone help? I'm running X³ vanilla (german) with the actual patches.


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Post by jumbled » Sat, 26. Jul 08, 21:12

Tritous wrote:Would it be possible to make an adaptation such that any satelites placed in a sector automatically join the network. I personally like the old satallite deployment script with it's box of 8 satallites, it's rare i have to plug extras in to increase the viewing range (only on misshaped sectors) but don't like having to add them all manually.
I was doing that "box" effect for a while in my early games, but then I got totally fed up with the idea of running ships around to a half dozen points within a sector (big ones, especially) and dropping a whole collection of sats.

So I...erm...cheated a little. :oops: In my game, I tweaked the config files for the Advanced Satellite scanning range, multiplying it several times, so it now has a range of, oh, about 100km! Big enough to fill the screen in even the large sectors. Not something I recommand for the faint of heart, but if you get so completely tired of the miniscule range they normally have (and how often they usually die, anyway), this is the answer.

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Post by Tritous » Sun, 27. Jul 08, 00:01

i have a sat deployment script. very very neat and tidy, avoids hostile sectors, goes hunting for satellites, etc.

there are only really three problems with it. It's independant of the SEWN so it cant auto sign it on. 2: when waiting for a station to produce more, to find more places that need sats, etc, it just sits in space (and is a khaak target), 3: while I like a box of 8 sats each just in range of the others nearest, that isnt often big enough for big sectors, and there arent enough fabs :P

Otherwise it's nice, but it's asking to be linked into SEWN
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Post by Meros » Fri, 22. Aug 08, 13:33

jumbled wrote:So I...erm...cheated a little. :oops: In my game, I tweaked the config files for the Advanced Satellite scanning range, multiplying it several times, so it now has a range of, oh, about 100km! Big enough to fill the screen in even the large sectors. Not something I recommand for the faint of heart, but if you get so completely tired of the miniscule range they normally have (and how often they usually die, anyway), this is the answer.
In what file should I look for changing the range? (is it in tships?)


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Post by Cycrow » Fri, 22. Aug 08, 14:01

its in globals.txt

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Post by Meros » Fri, 22. Aug 08, 15:18

Thanks for the fast reply, found it.

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Enemy Report, increase message alert frequency duration?

Post by masterw3 » Fri, 22. Aug 08, 17:25

-----------so to Summarize my question into a single SHORT line:-----------
Is it possible for me to increase the time between alerts/messages within this mod somehow?
---- "the LONG version"... ---

my issue is I hear the message that enemy is in sector.. but i hear it a dozen times getting there... and another dozen during the dogfight... and it's flooding my messages...
i LOVE the plugin, it works perfectly the way i wanted one to.
but i would like to know if it's possible for me to increase the message repeat time.. i don't know the duration between messages/alerts.. but i'd like to increase it by a factor of 2 or 3 times...
is this possible?
if not, that's ok, it's just these Xenon suddenly decided that it's hunting season... and I'm the prey... i'm about to try and tow a station in front of the xenon gates and say "Take THAT you FIENDS !!"

though i guess i COULD just turn off the satelite there... but i hate it when they get through and start trashing the universe...

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Post by Schabernack » Sun, 1. Mar 09, 15:49

i want to use gazz's satelite deployment script combined with yours. Is there a compatibility issue because of your satelite replacement service?
How to deactivate it so it doesn't show up?(i don't like redundancy)
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Post by MitchellExplorer » Sun, 30. May 10, 16:23

What's with the pricing of the replacement service? I just lost over 2M puff!
I have counted all the prices, which script says are true, but doesn't add up. My expenses with replacement service are exactly 8424 cr a tazura/day (or so the script says...) and if I count that multiplied by 30 - I'd say it's close to a wazura/month and that makes 252720cr.

1) I haven't even played with these expenses 1 wazura game time
2) I have no other expenses so I can check money loss very efficiently
3) When I lost that 2067709cr - I should have played like 8 wazuras game time - all happened today in some 3 hrs.
4) Somethings really wrong with the scripts calculations

I bet there hasn't even been any exact calculations of how much the real costs will be when making this mod - I think I have proven it.

So now I have two choices - visit all sectors with my satellites and remove contract (like I wouldn't have visited them when I waited and docked and waited and docked for those bbs contract messages which are rarely available) or just let the script rob me hhmm...

I really can't recommend the mod to any1 sorry

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No way to download

Post by dycantos » Sat, 2. Sep 17, 08:07

I just reinstalled X3 and wanted to get this mod but the both the main and the mirror are down I'm not sure if anyone will read but hopefully you will

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Sat, 2. Sep 17, 11:14

I fixed the main webpage link.
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