Cockpit recall - sun shines through solid parts of the HUD

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Cockpit recall - sun shines through solid parts of the HUD

Post by alowe » Wed, 5. Jun 13, 17:47

(decided to repost here as although it's a bug it's distinctly mod related)

Cockpit recall - sun shines through solid parts of the HUD

Any way around this?

Using X3:R v2.5

CPU: I5 3.8 gHz
Mem: 8gig physical, 3.5 gig accessable
Sound: Onboard
OS: XP Pro Sp1
Mods: Problem exists with and without mods installed
Sector: All


Curiously this doesn't happen in Argon Mercury cockpits but it does happen in Argon Buster cockpits.

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