[#2704][7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended. - fixed

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[#2704][7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended. - fixed

Post by PV_ »

7.1 beta 5, no mods

"Attack capital ships first" turret behavior performs exactly contrary task attacking fighters first. Here is a video demonstrating the bug.
Save file.
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Re: [7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by Scoob »

I can clearly see in your video that it's behaving exactly as you described, it does indeed look broken. However, have you tested this with ships other than the Irlking? I ask because I've been observing "Attack Capital Ships first" working perfectly for me. Both with my own Destroyers and a Defence Platform. I see turrets with this order having a pop at everything, but switching to focus on any large targets the moment they are in range. The first few shots are always a bit wild, missing the target, but the turret are all certainly turning to engage appropriately.

I've not unlocked the Irlking in my game yet, so I cannot perform the exact same test as you.
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Re: [7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by ragnos21 »

I have an Erlking. But its turrets behave normally, not like in the video. When commanded to attack capital ships first, they fire at old targets for a very short time, then switch to the nearest capital ship or station.
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Re: [7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by Scoob »

Worth verifying game files as a sanity check? It's so very rarely an issue, but sometimes Steam / GoG screw things up.

I've check behaviour over a variety of stations and ships, with both Large and Medium Turrets set to "Attack Capital Ships first" and they all appear to be obeying that order correctly. Darn strange issue you're having there PV_, I sometimes think it's just ME that has the obscure ones lol.
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Re: [7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by PV_ »

Scoob wrote: Sun, 4. Aug 24, 13:44 I've not unlocked the Irlking in my game yet, so I cannot perform the exact same test as you.
Tried Odysseus Vanguard and PAR L plasma seems to work fine. So most likely the issue either with Erlking itself or with unique Erlking turrets.
As for test - you can. Download save file, clear the name up to "save" begins and temporary replace 4th save file in respective folder.
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Re: [7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by xrogaan »

I've had the same experience, kinda. Fighting a kha'ak station, turrets would focus on the fighters instead of the station. Might be that the turrets couldn't reach their favorite target point, which then had them fall back to the fighters. Or that the fighters were closer than the station?
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Re: [7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by Scoob »

PV_ wrote: Sun, 4. Aug 24, 19:38 Tried Odysseus Vanguard and PAR L plasma seems to work fine. So most likely the issue either with Erlking itself or with unique Erlking turrets.
As for test - you can. Download save file, clear the name up to "save" begins and temporary replace 4th save file in respective folder.
Dunno why I spelled Erlking Irlking lol. It does appear to be the Erlking's unique turrets in your case then, that should help the devs narrow it down.
xrogaan wrote: Sun, 4. Aug 24, 20:20 I've had the same experience, kinda. Fighting a kha'ak station, turrets would focus on the fighters instead of the station. Might be that the turrets couldn't reach their favorite target point, which then had them fall back to the fighters. Or that the fighters were closer than the station?
Kha'ak stations tend to cause a LOT of problems with targetting individual station modules. They'll get hung up on a Module they CANNOT hit, ignoring modules they can. Not tested in depth recently, but my small destroyer group destroyed a small Kha'ak station easily, but it's the larger ones that caused me issues in the past.
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Re: [7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by PV_ »

Okay, unlike with Odysseus I've done proper test now with a lot of fighters around to minimize capital targeting by the matter of chance. And the issue definitely is not related to Erlking only. Video.
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Re: [7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by ragnos21 »

I noticed, using the example of xenon stations, that turrets do not perceive all modules as targets. For example, they never shoot at xenon solar batteries. Recently there was an incident in matrix 9, when I on a Raptor and with the Barbaross, surrounded a xenon port. We blew up several modules with turrets and that was it. The shooting stopped. They just hung nearby and that was it. In the plasma range. Something could be changed only by commanding the turrets to attack my target.
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Re: [7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by ragnos21 »

Yesterday I did a more detailed study. If the turrets on Erlking are initially ordered to attack capital ships first, then there are no problems. If we give the turrets a different order, and then change it back to attack capital ships, then the turrets will not focus their fire on capital ships and stations.
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Re: [#2704][7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by j.harshaw »

Fixed. Should be in a future update. Thanks for the report and the save.
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Re: [#2704][7.1 Beta 5] "Attack capital ships first" doesn't work as intended.

Post by j.harshaw »

Fix should be in beta 6.
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