At the workbench when shroud is installed you get a 3 letter error code in the Radar Visibility block each time you reassemble. When you look at the mods on the assigned ship it only shows the Radar Range adjustment. This is a mod installation error since other ships with Shroud previously installed still show both the Radar Visibility reduction and the Radar Range ... share_link
[#2719]7.10 β 5 Shroud mod radar visibility not installing - Fix in HF 3.
Moderator: DevNet Public Moderators
Re: 7.10 β 5 Shroud mod radar visibility not installing
now on β 6, problem still exists though it shows the Radar Visibility line on the load out page but shows it as nan% (not a number?). Tried it on a Sapporo and a standard S ship, both still show nan% every time you reassemble the mod.
Re: 7.10 β 5 Shroud mod radar visibility not installing
Access to the save file is denied.
Re: 7.10 β 5 Shroud mod radar visibility not installing
sorry. link should be working now though if shroud isn’t working for me it shouldn’t be for anyway should it? Or should I reinstall my X4?
Re: [#2719]7.10 β 5 Shroud mod radar visibility not installing
I'm have the same problem in 7.10 public release.
In the attached save, I'm at the Ship dealership in the Argon Wharf of Guiding Star VII, where I have docked two ships, the 01 ASP (QXO-801) and the 02 PE (DGS-277), when I install the Shroud mod on any of them, I get the nan% value under Radar Visibility.!An3feJbv1gLa0U-wkFh ... Y?e=7pKXJw
In the attached save, I'm at the Ship dealership in the Argon Wharf of Guiding Star VII, where I have docked two ships, the 01 ASP (QXO-801) and the 02 PE (DGS-277), when I install the Shroud mod on any of them, I get the nan% value under Radar Visibility.!An3feJbv1gLa0U-wkFh ... Y?e=7pKXJw
Re: [#2719]7.10 β 5 Shroud mod radar visibility not installing
Fixed in 7.10 HF3