X Plugin Manager V2.12 : Updated 23/01/2010 *LINUX VERSION AVAILABLE*

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Post by dizzy »

Cycrow wrote:for conflicts it uses creation dates and version numbers to work out which is the most recent and installs that. Scripts files have imbeded version numbers in them which the plugin manager reads
Thanks for your answer. What happens after a conflict has been resolved and it has decided to use a file from plugin A instead of plugin B (because it's newer, whatever) and then the user later removes/disables plugin A? Will the Plugin Manager restore the file to the plugin B version as it's the only enabled plugin having that file?

And another related question, what about files that are installed outside of the Plugin Manager. If I enable plugin A which tries to overwrite a file that was installed there by the vanilla game or by the user outside of Plugin Manager (PM), I assume that the PM will use the same rules to decide if it overwrites it (ie if the file installed outside the PM is "newer" or whatever it won't get overwritten). But if it does get overwritten and the user disables the plugin in the PM which overwrote it, does the PM restore the original contents of that file? (in order for this to work, the PM must make a backup copy of the file before overwriting it)
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Post by bodyjumper »

hi every one !

i have a question :

the v2.12 is the last version or i need to use the 1.47 ?

i'm confuse the v1.47 is release in 2012 and the v2.12 is release in 2010.

what version is the last?

thank for your answers !

PS : sorry for my bad english (i'm french ) ^^
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Post by X2-Illuminatus »

v1.47 is the last version.
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Post by bodyjumper »

thanks, you help me so much ^^
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Post by Iwillbenicetou »

Classic please help... Serious, I need help with the plugin. I run it on Steam and I can't find the actual game. Please help. ;)
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Post by X2-Illuminatus »

[FAQ] I can't find the game folder. Where is it? (X3TC & X3AP)
[FAQ] I can't find the game folder. Where is it? (X3R)

If you really just have X3TC and X3AP, as it says in your signature, you might want to check that you have the latest version of the PM installed, which is version 1.47, available from here.
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Post by Iwillbenicetou »

X2-Illuminatus wrote: If you really just have X3TC and X3AP, as it says in your signature, you might want to check that you have the latest version of the PM installed, which is version 1.47, available from here.
Thanks! I think I installed the wrong way or the wrong thing. Thanks for understanding a noob like me. I live in the Rimworld Forums
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Patch to fix compilation on Linux

Post by pumpkinmountain »


Here's a patch to fix compilation errors on modern Linux. If you get errors like:

Code: Select all

CatFile.cpp:778:45: error: ‘memcpy’ was not declared in this scope
   memcpy ( finalData + 1, newdata, *newsize );
Makefile:27: recipe for target 'CatFile.o' failed
then you need this: https://gist.github.com/ringerc/c848dc0 ... 8452fa8658

Apply with patch -p1, e.g.

Code: Select all

curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ringerc/c848dc05729116d7fa441f8452fa8658/raw/7e8ca1c53c1edc53b4f7e052deb9c03d84ab24b9/spk-build-fixes.patch | patch -p1
while your current directory is the directory with the "compile.sh" script in it.

I haven't re-hosted the code on github with the patch since the license is unclear and I don't know if I would have the right to do so. So I can only post a patch for now and you have to apply it yourself.

I'm resisting the temptation to convert the buildsystem to cmake and clean up the code, for the moment at least, because I'd rather port the full plugin manager lite over. I'm cloning the svn repo and will take a look at that. Hope this helps in the mean time.[/code]
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Re: X Plugin Manager V2.12 : Updated 23/01/2010 *LINUX VERSION AVAILABLE*

Post by alexalsp »

Links do not work. Fix please.
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Re: X Plugin Manager V2.12 : Updated 23/01/2010 *LINUX VERSION AVAILABLE*

Post by Cycrow »

Try here viewtopic.php?f=94&t=265915
it works for all game versions
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Re: X Plugin Manager V2.12 : Updated 23/01/2010 *LINUX VERSION AVAILABLE*

Post by Fonsfon-2020 »

None of the download links work, and when I go to the Xplugin page I try from there and I get an 404 error
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Re: X Plugin Manager V2.12 : Updated 23/01/2010 *LINUX VERSION AVAILABLE*

Post by X2-Illuminatus »

Use the new Plugin Manager. That link works.
Cycrow wrote: Sat, 14. Jan 06, 23:08 New Plugin Manager Lite is available
This should work for all games, X2, X3 Reunion and TC and will replace the old plugin manager completly

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Re: X Plugin Manager V2.12 : Updated 23/01/2010 *LINUX VERSION AVAILABLE*

Post by Benzschwagel »

Found a new link for v2.12:


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Re: X Plugin Manager V2.12 : Updated 23/01/2010 *LINUX VERSION AVAILABLE*

Post by Dax T »

All links broken
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Re: X Plugin Manager V2.12 : Updated 23/01/2010 *LINUX VERSION AVAILABLE*

Post by X2-Illuminatus »

The link provided by Benzschwagel in the post above yours still works for me. There's also the new Plugin Manager which can be downloaded in the topic I linked two posts above.
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