spawning enemy stations

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spawning enemy stations

Post by Graham123 »

Just want to know if there is any way of stopping enemy stations from spawning in my sectors?. I have defeated the Terrans and taken over all their sectors, placed gate defences at all the gates and have ships patrolling ,yet the terran stations keep spawning. makes me want to stop playing. :evil:
Alan Phipps
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Re: spawning enemy stations

Post by Alan Phipps »

X Rebirth (this forum) or X4?

EDIT: Moved to X4 forum.
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Re: spawning enemy stations

Post by Graham123 »

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Re: spawning enemy stations

Post by GCU Grey Area »

Terrans do not spawn stations. They have to build them, same as other factions. They also can't be completely defeated. Most that can happen is that all of their space-based assets can be destroyed & their sectors taken over by other factions or the player. This does not eliminate the faction from the game since X4 does not have any mechanism for orbital bombardment of populated planets.

Since the Terrans still have their planets, their government & a population of over 17 billion, they can still plan building sites for new stations & post trade offers for friendly factions to supply building materials. For the Terrans this is effectively limited to PIO, since they're the only other faction that uses the same stuff to build stations. Consequently if you want to ensure that neither faction will ever build another station again you'll need to smash all the PIO stations too. They'll still put building sites on the map but none of those stations will ever be built.
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Re: spawning enemy stations

Post by jlehtone »

Yes, a build site and a constructed station are two different things. The former is a mere expression of wish.

If you demolish every TER and PIO station, then you can no longer recover reputation with either of them and thus nobody can help to build even a single station.

Think the other way. Should it be illegal for enemies to try to invade? Perhaps impossible? If building to enemy territory were not ok, then surely building to allied territory should not be ok either. That would still leave the unclaimed sectors. In other words, player should not build stations, except to unclaimed or player's sectors. (One can obviously convert a claimed sector to unclaimed with some fleet action.) In other words, if we can build everywhere, then so should the NPC ... :roll:
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Re: spawning enemy stations

Post by Graham123 »

Thank you .
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Re: spawning enemy stations

Post by Graham123 »

Oh yes, one more question. What is the advantages of taking over or owning a sector?
Alan Phipps
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Re: spawning enemy stations

Post by Alan Phipps »

See this older thread for ideas.
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Re: spawning enemy stations

Post by adeine »

Reposting this in hopes it (or something like it) can be implemented one day.
adeine wrote: Tue, 2. Jul 24, 03:37
hebrux wrote: Tue, 2. Jul 24, 03:15 Ability to Totally Destroy a faction without them Necroing back to life after all their ships and stations have been destroyed. Any associated mission from the dead faction will also be disabled and unavailable to the player due to faction destruction.
I've been thinking about this, and a simple yet effective solution might be to change it so when a faction has no sector ownership left they cannot hire builders from other factions except their own and the player.

This would allow the player to nurse a faction back to health from 0 if they're allied, but avoid factions from being in perpetual cockroach mode unless you wipe out literally every faction they're not hostile with.
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Re: spawning enemy stations

Post by Baconnaise »

Graham123 wrote: Thu, 30. Jan 25, 16:20 Oh yes, one more question. What is the advantages of taking over or owning a sector?
There is none. It's the same mechanic as in Rebirth. You can map paint like a pseudo Paradox GSG but it will be unfulfilling.

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