[X-BTF] Mammoth in argon prime is missing

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[X-BTF] Mammoth in argon prime is missing

Post by Amon2501 »

Hi. im playing x-btf version 2.2 and want to buy a Quantum tube factory in Argon prime. And there is no Mammoth TL in this sector. It was there about 5 days ago when i hired it just to bring the Wheat farm from the shipyard to this sector (without gate jumps). Im not visiting Argon prime often, so probably it wont get killed by Xenons, since the game have no OOS combat. I already did some multi-sectors factory hauls like Seizewell to Empires Edge or Seizewell - Family-Pride - The wall but neithe involving Mammoths Can please someone explain

1. Will Mammont return/respawn to the sector ever?
2. Why he isnt there? Do NPCs hiring TLs in X-BTF? And if yes why they do?

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Praefectus classis
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Re: [X-BTF] Mammoth in argon prime is missing

Post by Praefectus classis »

They sometimes travel way off the grid. If you have the zoom goggles (forgot what they are called), try looking with those. I remember the Argon Mammoth liked to wander off.
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