fireanddream wrote: ↑Tue, 4. Feb 25, 05:59
I do it when they pass through BHS to treasure chest. The sector is a straight line east to west, with north gate to the goners that nobody visits.

If a titan is in the way they'll pick a fight.
Do you know anything about RRF algorithm. I've seen them show up one time in BHS, every single one of them, 2 titans, 2 colossus, everything. I figured they were always occupied in Getsu Fune but no, they are just scattered in argon sectors.
I wish I'm pro split & paranid in this playthrough. If I just route the traffic through Zyarth's Domanion or Pontifex' Seclusion none of these Xenon can survive through the sector.
As far as an algorithm I couldn't say. Might wanna ask that of the mod team who made this version. They might have a more solid answer. Try in the modding section. Or message one directly.
As far as my experience in game goes, rapid response are more prone / apt to responding to the player actions more than NPC actions. Though if one ship gets hurt or destroyed, it will summon all nearby others of its group for defense. They will usually appear all at once next to the ship in trouble, uncontrolled jump style.
I'd imagine the script that handles it can lock up like others. The Omicron Lyrae shipyard usually breaks at some point. They have to repair themselves after all. And by break I mean the alpha system gets all the surrounding area defenders stuck in system with a single capital and its escorts occupying most of the shipyards docking slots as well.
For defense in game:
I have Xenon capitals entering Midnight Star sometimes. (I took the beta in my current playthrough). I had Ks making a beeline for my sector numerous times. I stuck a fleet in both sectors and the beelines stopped. 2 Destroyers and 2 Frigates on the N gate of Midnight Star, 2 carriers and 3 frigates in the beta sector.
I get random Qs trying to enter once in a while, but they seem more apt to make havoc around the factories in the main sector.
I've gotten Teladi and Split capitals to engage them several times since the Argon seem to have everything locked to the previous mentioned sector. Just keep Adv Nav Sats as best you can. And if your going to build factories in commonwealth sectors, make sure you got big ships to protect those sectors and surrounding ones. The presence is usually enough to deter the approach.
You'll also get Xenon ships that fly from the pirate corridor (XS101?) BT to Hatikvahs, they will beeline to any sector in the NW part of the map. But they will also pick a random sector to spawn in from time to time. And it wont follow the stated within 10 sector jump range of a Xenon Sector. I've had them pop up in Terran Space - Oort Cloud and a few other places. Mostly Neptune in that area though.
The game also weights the active spawns to your last actively engaged targets race. At least it does for me. If I shot at Yaki, I see them spawn all over. Xenon, then I constantly see them all over.
One other tip for defense, "Bombers with Tomahawks". There glass cannons. If you fully fit out a Marlin, you can get 70 Tomahawks with enough E-cells to jump a significant range to deal with major threats. It will usually take at least 10 volleys for K, J and I. If you can't buy the Marlin, use another. There cheaper than M7M frigates. Just a warning, any capital that does an OOS missile launch can insta-pop any bomber. So keep them back. Especially an I.
Hope this helps you. Sadly, the Xenon are a grind. And the scripts push combat more than the build and trade aspects of the game.